A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


At the Kitchen Table - Sepia Saturday 702


Going through another envelope of old photos, I found this one of me and my grandmother Sally at her kitchen table (well, with me on the table...) A note on the back says  August 1958, which means I'm 3 years old here. Below is a  version where I tried to better the faded colours somewhat in Picasa3 (my standard simple editing tool). 

In my own early childhood photo albums nearly all the photos are black and white, taken by either my father or my grandfather, and developed at home. This may be the earliest colour photo print I've come across so far, and I'm not sure who of them may have been the first to experiment with putting a colour film into their camera for a change. (I know my dad also took slides sometimes, though, so perhaps it could also be a print made from a slide.)


  1. Excellent match to the theme this week! Loved the colors of the kitchen, so glad you and your grandmother had that moment, and someone recorded it in color!

    1. Thanks Barbara. I was happy to find the photo myself, as it's not in my album.

  2. What a sweet picture. And what a cutie you were with a little bow in your hair. I see I have 15 years on you! :)

    1. Thanks Gail. I still have kind of the same haircut, but it's been a while since I last tried a bow... (haha)

  3. Such an adorable photo and good job adjusting it with Picasa3. I've been thinking of trying Vivic Pix to see how it works at adjusting fading color photos.

    1. Thanks Molly. I've been using Picasa3 as long as I've been blogging (which goes back to 2009), I've tried a others along the way but keep coming back to P3 as it's simple to use and I'm familiar with it...

  4. What a beautiful match for this weekend's theme! I think children at age three to four produce the best photos. Seven to eight is good too, but not as cute. :—)
