A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


On the Water - Sepia Saturday 734

I found this old postcard just recently when going through a box of letters and drawings sent from me to my grandmother in my childhood. It struck me as a good match for this Sepia Saturday.

The card was written by me to my grandma Sally when I was 10 years old. 'Lyckorna' was a seaside resort near Ljungskile on the west coast of Sweden, some 30+ min drive from where we were living back then. 

(13/8 1965) Yesterday we went to 'Lyckorna' at Ljungskile to bathe. I picked a lot of sea shells, but forgot to take them home. It was lovely in the water, and I only saw two jellyfish. The sea bed was nice and sandy. It was low tide and very hot. I must go now. Greetings to Grandpa and Max*. Monica.

(*Max was my grandparents' dog)

Linking to Sepia Saturday 734


On the Beach - Sepia Saturday 733


This is a photo from my great-aunt Gerda's album. Those who have been following this blog for a while may remember her. She was an older half-sister of my grandmother; and a lot of this blog was based on her postcards and photos. She emigrated to America in her youth, worked her way up as lady's maid and travel companion to wealthy ladies, and from 1928 onward ended up working for Estelle Manville-Bernadotte, married to the Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte (related to the Swedish royal family, acting as diplomat during WWII, and tragically assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948. 

Gerda's photo album is in no particular order and without notes about names or dates. My best guess is that this photo shows Gerda together with a great-niece of hers, in the mid/late 1940s - probably on holiday on the west coast of Sweden? To me the sand dunes look rather typical of beaches in the province of Halland. If my guess is correct, Gerda would be around 65-68 years old here. (She lived to be 92.) I know from postcards she wrote back in her youth that she loved to swim/bathe. 


At the Seaside - Sepia Saturday 731-732


Laxvik Havsbad (Sea Bath),Trönninge (Halland, Sweden)

Postcard sent to my dad in August 1943, from his friend Olle.
Dad was 12 years old in 1943, so presumably Olle was around the same age.

Laxvik 6 August 1943

Hello! Thanks for the letter, I was so happy to get it.
It's raining just now when I'm writing this.
 I will be going back home from the summer holiday soon.
I'm swimming a lot, would you believe it -
I'll soon be beating Björn Borg*.
Greetings from your friend Olle

*Björn Borg, born 1919, was a famous Swedish swimmer

Björn Borg
(photo from Wikipedia)

This post would have been a better
match for Sepia Saturday 731... 

. . but I didn't get it done in time, so
instead I'm linking to 
Sepia Saturday 732...