A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


G.004-3 Sundsvall, Vängåvan (1902)


Sundsvall – Vängåfvan1
W. Ahlströms Bok. - A.E.


Poststämplar: Sundsvall + Odensberg 19.1.1902
Till/to: H. Gustaf Ekman, Odensberg
Retur/forwarded to: Storeg. Fristdad

(Sundsvall) 15/1 –02.
Ett hjärtligt tack för det så stiliga vykortet. Jag kan ej på långt när sända er så förtjusande vy tillbaka, det fins ej i hela Sundsvall. Sänder härmed en vy af Storgatan. har lust fortsätta om så önskas svar förgät mig ej.

Det verkar som om många föredrog att sända sina hälsningar anonymt till den unge Gustaf! Av handstilen att döma tror jag inte det är samma avsändare som föregående. Ytterligare någon han gjort bekantskap med under tiden i Odensberg? som var från, eller flyttat till, Sundsvall? Noterar att tilltalet “er” används, vilket väl tyder på en nyligen inledd bekantskap. Jag gissar också av ordvalet att det är kvinnlig skribent.

Vängåvan är en park med fontän som anlades i slutet av 1800-talet, en av de första platserna med offentlig utsmyckning i Sverige. Området skänktes till staden som donation från två privatpersoner.


In English

Sundsvall 15/1 –02.
Thank you so much for the handsome picture postcard. I cannot possibly send you an equally charming view back because there is none to be seen in all of Sundsvall. I’m sending you a view of the Main Street. Wish to continue, if so looking forward to reply,  forget me not.

Another postcard not signed by name. My guess from the way this message is worded in the original language is that the sender is a young woman, and a recent acquaintance rather than an old friend, since she addresses him formally (Swedish ni/er corresponds to French vous, or German Sie/Ihnen). Obviously this is a reply to a postcard sent by him to her. The last sentence is somewhat cryptical because of lack of punctuation in the original. Seems to me that this could be intentional (half leaving it up to the recipient how much to read into it).

Because the card is addressed to Gustaf at Odensberg (but forwarded from there to Fristad) my guess is that this too is someone he met during his stay at Odensberg in December.

Sundsvall is a very long way from Odensberg/Falköping, though. About 665 km north. 

1 The park with the fountain seen on this postcard was founded in the 1870’s and was one of the first public places of its kind in Sweden; donated to the town by two landowners. The name of the park – Vängåvan  – means ‘the friendship gift’. (That word/ name is printed below the picture to the right.)


  1. This is getting quite exciting. Go to it detective Thulin.

  2. Oh. Gosh. I'm up to date. Almost disappointed!

  3. More to come! Tanks for all your comments, I appreciate your effort to catch up.

  4. This is a park? But what about these big fancy buildings? It does look more like a high class resort to me.
