A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


G.007-2 Kneippbaden (1902)


Kneippbaden. 3 
Carl Nilssons Ljustrycksanstalt, Stockholm.


Datum: 5.6.1902
Till/to: Herr Gustaf Ekman, Storeg, Fristad
Från/from: A. B_n

Tack för senaste!
Många lyckönskningar på namnsdagen från
A. B_n

(Möjligen skulle A. B_n kunna vara Arthur som skrev det föregående kortet?)

Thanks for last time! 1
Many congratulations on your name day 2
from A. B_n

1 “Tack för senast” = “thanks for last time” is a very commonly used polite phrase in Sweden to say thanks to someone the next time you talk to them after having been to their home, or they took you out to dinner etc.

2 Celebration of name days in Sweden began in the 17th century, at first among royalty and aristocracy, but then also among the general population. Each day in the calendar is associated with one or more names. A thorough modification of the list of names was made in 1901; but before as well as after, Gustaf (Gustav) was one of the names for 6 June (and still is).

3 Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897) was a Bavarian priest and one of the founders of the naturopathic medicine movement. He is most commonly associated with the "Kneipp Cure" form of hydrotherapy, a system of healing involving the application of water through various methods, temperatures and pressures.

From his spa resort Bad Wörishofen in Germany, the method spread to other European countries, Sweden included. Kneippbaden in Norrköping opened in 1898.

Sebastian Kneipp, tysk präst och professor, född 1821 i byn Stephansried i Ottobeuren, Bayern, död 1897 i Wörishofen, Bayern.

Redan 1848 uppfann han Kneippkuren, som var en slags kallvattensbehandling med bl a barfotapromenader i fuktigt gräs. Utifrån hans anläggning Wörishofen i Bayern spreds uppförandet av liknande kuranstalter byggda på hans idéer över hela Europa.

Kneippbaden i Norrköping öppnades 1898.


  1. I have seen the occdasional reference to a name day and always assumed it was the day of the year that the person had been christened. This has opened my eyes to a whole new concept!

  2. It's a real challenge to myself to think about these cards not only from the historical point of view related to my own country, but also from the international perspective!
