M.003.02 - Cairo, March 1932
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2075 - CAIRO - The Citadel |
"The Citadel of Cairo or Citadel of Saladin --- is a medieval Islamic-era fortification in Cairo, Egypt, built by Salah ad-Din (Saladin) and further developed by subsequent Egyptian rulers. It was the seat of government in Egypt and the residence of its rulers for nearly 700 years from the 13th to the 19th centuries. Its location --- commands a strategic position overlooking the city and dominating its skyline. At the time of its construction, it was among the most impressive and ambitious military fortification projects of its time. It is now a preserved historic site, including mosques and museums." [Wikipedia]
To: Herr Gustaf Samuelson, Storegården, Fristad, Sweden
From: Gerda (Cairo, 20.3 1932)
Cairo den 20-3-32
Käre bror! Sänder dig en hälsning härifrån, reser igen om tisdag till vanliga adressen.
Kära hälsningar, syster Gerda.
Dear brother, sending you a greeting from here. Leaving again on Tuesday for the usual address.
Love, sister Gerda.
M.003.03 - Paris, June 1932
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0823. NEUILLY-sur-SEINE Angles des rues de Chartres et du Marché. E.M. |
To: Herr Gustav Samuelson, Storegården, Fristad, Suède
From: Gerda (Paris, Rue Singer, 4.6 1932)
Hjärtliga lyckönskningar på namnsdagen, med hälsningar Gerda. / Tack för brev.
Heartfelt congratulations on your Name Day*, with best wishes from Gerda. / Thanks for your letter.
[*Gustaf's name day in the Swedish calendar is 6th June.]
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The postcard from Cairo has been shown on this blog before, not all that long ago - for Sepia Saturday 595 (6 Nov 2021) - together with this photo of Gerda, sitting on a donkey in front of a pyramid.
Back in November, it was the Sepia prompt of another donkey ride that made me think of this photo; and when trying to date it, I found the Cairo postcard.
This time, I'm coming at it from the opposite angle: Working my way through Gerda's postcards in chronological order. I have reached the year 1932, and the cards tell me that this year, Gerda visited Cairo and Paris.
I find my text from November still relevant, so I'm reusing that below, with some minor adjustments.
From info I got back in 2013 from Bengt W, grandson of Gerda's older sister Emma, I know for sure that in March 1932, Gerda was in the employ of Estelle and Folke Bernadotte (nephew to the king of Sweden, Gustav V). In an email to me, he quotes a document in French dated 9 March 1932, stating that Gerda is then employed in Paris at Square Lamartine no 3 as "domestique au service du comte Bernadotte de Wisborg, neveu du Roi de Suède".
So, if on the 20th of the same month, Gerda is sending a postcard from Cairo, the ID document was most likely written for that journey.
Googling "Cairo 1932", I found The First Congress of Arab Music, "a large international symposium and music festival that was convened by King Fuad I in Cairo, Egypt, from March 14 to April 3, 1932". [Wikipedia]
I'm not familiar with the diplomatic relations between Sweden and Egypt at the time, but it seems to me that if this was an international event convened by the king of Egypt, it's not unlikely that Count Bernadotte was attending as representative for the Swedish royal family. (The dates seem to fit "too" well for it to be pure coincidence.)
And I suppose that while they were in Cairo, Gerda was also given a bit of time off for sight-seeing "on her own", including an outing to the pyramids. I'd love it if I could also find out who the men accompanying her in the photo were - but that's probably too much to hope for! (For Sepia Saturday 620, they will represent "unknown faces from the family archives"...)
When I wrote the post back in November, I wasn't sure if by going back to "the usual address", Gerda meant Paris or Stockholm. The next card then seemed to be one from Stockholm in August that year. But since then, I also found the one above, sent from Paris in June. So obviously, Gerda and the Bernadottes went back to Paris for a while before returning to Sweden.
Thanks to the document quoted above, I also know their address in Paris: Square Lamartine no 3.
There is a French Wikipedia article about Square Lamartine, named after a French poet.
M.003.02 - Cairo, 20 mars 1932
Käre bror! Sänder dig
en hälsning härifrån, reser igen om tisdag till vanliga adressen. Kära hälsningar,
syster Gerda.
M.003.03 – Paris
4 juni 1932
lyckönskningar på namnsdagen, med hälsningar Gerda. / Tack för brev.
Vykortet från Kairo har tidigare förekommit på denna blog för Sepia Saturday 595 (6 nov 2021); likaså fotot på Gerda sittande på en åsna framför en pyramid.
Förra gången var det inspirationsbilden med en annan åsneritt som fick mig att tänka på fotot av Gerda vid pyramiden, och i samband med att försöka datera det fotot hittade jag vykortet från Kairo. Den här gången går mina tankar "i omvänd ordning": Jag har kommit till år 1932 i min kronologiska genomgång av vykorten, som vittnar om att Gerda det här året besökte Kairo och Paris.
Upprepar min text från november, med några smärre justeringar.
För ett antal år sedan, 2013, fick jag en del kompletterande data om Gerdas anställningar i ett email från Bengt W, barnbarn till Gerdas syster Emma. Han nämner "ett sorts identitetsbevis på franska utfärdat 9 mars 1932 om att hon är anställd i Paris på Square Lamartine no 3 som 'domestique au service du comte Bernadotte de Wisborg, neveu du Roi de Suéde'."
Så om Gerda var i Kairo den 20 mars 1932, så råder knappast något tvivel om att hon var där tillsammans med paret Bernadotte. Det verkar även troligt att det där ID-dokumentet skrevs specifikt for den resan.
Men vad var då anledningen till att makarna Bernadotte besökte Kairo i mars 1932? När jag googlade på "Cairo 1932" så ledde mig detta till en Wikipedia-artikel om en internationell kongress om arabisk musik, sammankallad av kung Fuad, och som pågick från 14 mars till 3 april 1932. Jag är inte bekant med de diplomatiska förbindelserna mellan Sverige och Egypten vid den tiden, men om denna kongress var ett initiativ av den egyptiske kungen, så förefaller det inte otroligt att Bernadottes var där som representanter för det svenska hovet. Datumen verkar stämma lite "för" bra för att vara ett rent sammanträffande.
När det gäller Gerda, så antar jag att hon, kanske i sällskap med fler medföljande tjänstefolk, fick lite ledigt för att titta på sevärdheter - t.ex. en utflykt till pyramiderna. Att få reda på vilka männen på ömse sidor om Gerda på fotot är, är väl antagligen inte att hoppas på.
När Gerda skriver att hon på tisdag reser tillbaka "till vanliga adressen", så var jag i november osäker på om detta syftade på Paris eller Stockholm. Nästa kort med tidsangivelse som jag hade då var från augusti 1932, från Stockholm. Men sedan dess har jag också hittat kortet skickat till Gustaf från Paris i juni. Så uppenbarligen tillbringade de ytterligare en tid i Frankrike innan de återvände till Sverige.
Tack vare dokumentet om Gerdas anställning så känner jag också till deras adress i Paris: Square Lamartine Nr 3. Den ledde mig till en fransk Wikipedia-artikel om torget, som uppkallats efter en fransk poet. Där fanns också både ett foto av torget, och även ett av Nr 2, som de väl bör ha haft utsikt mot från Nr 3 (alt bott granne med).
Jag har även ett foto av Gerda med texten ”Versailles, mars 1932” på backsidan. Och i hennes samling av oskrivna vykort finns en serie om 9 kort från Versailles, som jag antar köpts vid detta besök. (Även om det är möjligt att hon kan ha besökt Versailles fler gånger.) Jag tar bara med ett av vykorten i det här inlägget – kanske återkommer jag till de andra vid något senare tillfälle.
What a great idea...linking a trip as tourists to the music gathering. Now the 30's concert music comes to my attention too! And then Paris again! Good to guess that this was their journey!
ReplyDeleteBarbara, I think they were probably having a longer stay in Paris, and from there made a shorter trip to Egypt.
DeleteMaybe the men in the photograph are also other support staff of members attending the somesort of meeting.
ReplyDeleteSandra, to me it looks a bit like she's accompanied by two security guards! (For all I know, they might just be other tourists, though.)
DeleteYou are giving us such a vivid picture of Gerda’s extensive travels - she certainly got around.
ReplyDeleteShe certainly did, Sue! :)
DeleteWorking in the Bernadotte household gave Gerda some amazing travel opportunities she might otherwise not have had. Thank goodness she documented them in postcards home and that the Square Lamartine address was included in a document. Love the Paris and Cairo postcards.
ReplyDeleteMolly, I agree. Gerda obviously always wanted to travel and see the world, and working her way up as servant to wealthy people who also liked to travel certainly did give her a lot of unique opportunities.
DeleteIt's fascinating to think of Cairo in the early modern times when it was an exotic tourist destination for many cultures. Your series on Gerda has made me appreciate how people once traveled at a slower pace than today. From Sweden to Cairo I imagine it was via ship to France, train to the Mediterranean and then ship again to Cairo, but maybe they went through Germany taking a train to Istanbul or Athens and then ship to Cairo. Thanks for the extra pictures of Gerda's Paris address. I always enjoy wandering around the streets of Paris in Google maps. :–)
ReplyDeleteMike, in this case the impression I get is that the trip to Cairo was an excursion from a longer stay in Paris. There are postcards to show that Gerda also visited Athens, but the year is missing on those, so I'm not sure if that was in connection with this trip or another year.
DeleteAs always, an entertaining post re: Gerda. She certainly had a life of adventure through her connection with the Bernardottes! "How lucky can one girl be?" My favorite photo has to be Gerda on the donkey in front of the Pyramids. She looks so happy and relaxed. It was my fav' when you used it before, so I'm glad you used it again. :) And a clever connection to this week's prompt noting the unknown faces of the men with her in that photo.
ReplyDeleteThanks La N. I love that photo of Gerda as well.