A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


Gerda in Egypt, 1932 / Sepia Saturday 595

(Temporarily side-stepping the postcard album chronology with this post...)

This week, Sepia Saturday 595 offers a prompt picture showing an unknown mother and child riding a donkey on a beach:

This made me think of a photo of Gerda (older half-sister to my grandmother), sitting on a donkey in front of a pyramid in Egypt:

As with most photos in Gerda's photo album, there is no date or comment to accompany it. I know she travelled to several foreign countries, employed as lady's maid to rich ladies; but I have very few details about all that. So when was she in Egypt? 

A couple of years ago, when sorting through a bunch of postcards which had not been fitted into the album, I found this one (below), which probably provides the answer:

To: Gustaf Samuelsson, Storegården, Fristad, Sweden
(For some reason, by now Gustaf had gone back to using his birth surname, Samuelsson)
From: Gerda. Sent from Cairo, 20th March 1932 (a Sunday)

Cairo den 20-3-32
Käre bror! 
Sänder dig en hälsning härifrån, reser igen om tisdag till vanliga adressen. Kära hälsningar, syster Gerda

Cairo 20.3.32 
Dear brother, sending you a greeting from here. On Tuesday I'll be leaving again for the usual address. Love, sister Gerda

From info I got back in 2013 from a grandson to Gerda's older sister, I know for certain that in March 1932, Gerda was in the employ of Estelle Bernadotte, married to the Swedish count Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg, nephew to the king of Sweden, Gustav V. In an email to me, he mentions a sort of ID document in French dated 9 March 1932, stating that then she's employed in Paris at Square Lamartine no 3 as "domestique au service du comte Bernadotte de Wisborg, neveu du Roi de Suède". 

So if on the 20th of the same month, Gerda is sending a postcard from Cairo, I'd say there is no doubt that she was there with the Bernadottes. It even seems likely that the French ID document was written for that journey.

When I google "Cairo 1932", I find Congrés de Caire or the First Congress of Arab Music, "a large international symposium and music festival that was convened by King Fuad I in Cairo, Egypt, from March 14 to April 3, 1932". [Wikipedia

I'm not familiar with the diplomatic relations between Sweden and Egypt at the time, but it seems to me that if this was an international event convened by the king of Egypt, it's not unlikely that Count Bernadotte was attending as representative for the Swedish royal family. (The dates seem to fit "too" well for it to be a pure coincidence.)

As for the photo of Gerda in front of the pyramid, I suppose that if they were in Cairo for a week, she was also given a bit of time off for sight-seeing - perhaps an outing to the pyramids together with other servants? (I'd love it if I could also find out who the men accompanying her in the photo were, but that's probably too much to hope for!)

When she writes that she'll be going back to "the usual address", I suppose that could mean either back to Paris (if they had just been making an excursion to Egypt from there), or back to Stockholm, Sweden. (The next card I have is from August 1932, and then she was back in Stockholm. But that leaves four months unaccounted for in between.)



Veckans inspirationsbild från Sepia Saturday (595) - en okänd kvinna och ett barn sittande på en åsna på en strand - får mig att göra en liten avvikelse från den kronologiska genomgången av Gustafs vykortssamling. Bilden leder mina tankar till ett foto i Gerdas fotoalbum, där hon sitter på en åsna framför en av Egyptens pyramider. Som vanligt saknas anteckningar om datum eller plats - fast platsen råder det ju i det här fallet inte mycket tvivel om!  

Jag vet att Gerda reste till flera avlägsna länder under sina anställningar som kammarjungfru hos välbärgade damer. Men när var hon i Egypten? 

För ett par år sedan, när jag gick igenom en bunt med kort som inte fått plats i Gustafs vykortsalbum, så hittade jag ett som antagligen ger svaret på gåtan - skrivet av Gerda till Gustaf, från Kario, daterat den 20.3 1932 (vilket var en söndag). 

Cairo den 20-3-32
Käre bror! 
Sänder dig en hälsning härifrån, reser igen om tisdag till vanliga adressen. Kära hälsningar, syster Gerda

För ett antal år sedan, 2013, fick jag en del kompletterande data om Gerdas anställningar i ett email från Bengt W, barnbarn till Gerdas syster Emma. Jag har fortfarande inte lyckats få klarhet i exakt när Gerda trädde i tjänst hos Estelle Bernadotte - om det var redan från 1928 när paret gifte sig, eller något senare - men BW nämner "ett sorts identitetsbevis på franska utfärdat 9 mars 1932 om att hon är anställd i Paris på Square Lamartine no 3 som 'domestique au service du comte Bernadotte de Wisborg, neveu du Roi de Suéde'."

Så om Gerda var i Kairo den 20 mars 1932, så råder knappast något tvivel om att hon var där tillsammans med paret Bernadotte. Det verkar t.o.m troligt att det där id-dokumentet skrevs specifikt for detta ändamål!

Men vad var då anledningen till att makarna Bernadotte besökte Kairo i mars 1932? När jag googlar på "Cairo 1932" så leder mig detta till en Wikipedia-artikel om en internationell kongress om arabisk musik, sammankallad av kung Fuad, och som pågick från 14 mars till 3 april 1932. Jag är inte bekant med de diplomatiska förbindelserna mellan Sverige och Egypten vid den tiden, men om denna kongress var ett initiativ av den egyptiske kungen, så förefaller det inte otroligt att Bernadottes var där som representanter för det svenska hovet. Datumen verkar stämma lite "för" bra för att vara ett rent sammanträffande.

När det gäller fotot på Gerda vid pyramiden, så antar jag att om de var i Kairo i vecka, så fick även medföljande tjänstefolk någon ledighet för att titta på sevärdheter - t.ex. en utflykt till pyramiderna. (Att lyckas få reda på vilka männen på ömse sidor om Gerda på fotot är, är dock antagligen inte att hoppas på.) 

När Gerda skriver att hon på tisdag reser tillbaka "till vanliga adressen", så antar jag att detta syftar antingen på Paris (om resan till Egypten bara var en utflykt från en längre vistelse i Paris), eller på Stockholm. (Nästa kort med tidsangivelse som jag har är från augusti 1932, från Stockholm. Men det är ju hela fyra månader senare.)


  1. Wonderful to have that photo, and to find through sleuthing that there was a festival in Cairo where her employer very well would have taken her! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Barbara. Gerda's life is a rather fascinating puzzle to try to piece together (knowing from start that there are a lot of pieces missing that I'll probably never be able to find...)

  2. I imagine there are very few people in the world who have a photo of a family member on a donkey in Egypt in 1932. Gerda must be a fun relative to research.

    1. Kathy, it's a challenge, but because she worked for some rich and famous people, the internet may sometimes provide some helpful 'secondary' information. Still a lot of guesswork involved, though, as accounts of the lives of the rich and famous rarely mentions their servants!

  3. Another fascinating episode in your family research. I imagine that donkey rides at the Great Pyramids have been a tourist activity for centuries if not millennia! I looked up Count Folke Bernadotte on Wikipedia and was impressed by his long and varied diplomatic service. It was disturbing to read of his assassination in 1948 by a Zionist group, especially after learning of his efforts to rescue many people from concentration camps.

    1. Thanks Mike. Yes, Count Bernadotte was involved in a lot of diplomatic negotiations during and after the war. Toward the end of the war he managed to get over 30,000 prisoners of war released from the concentration camps. He was then chosen mediator for the UN in the Arab-Israeli conflict and was sadly assasinated in Jerusalem in 1948. My great-aunt Gerda (who lived to be 92) remained with his widow Estelle her whole life, or at least long past normal retirement age. Estelle did not get re-married until the same year Gerda died (1973). I think Gerda probably started working as lady's maid to Estelle already in 1928 when she and Folke got married (possibly even before the wedding), although I have not yet been able to find definite proof of that. Estelle was the daughter of a wealthy American, and the couple met on the French Riviera. Gerda had lived and worked as maid in America, spent the WWI years in France, and had also worked for members of the Swedish aristocracy in Sweden. She spoke all three languages, had travelled a lot and so (at age 47) must have been considered well qualified for the job as lady's maid to a young American girl marrying a Swedish count and member of the royal family. In later years I think her title was housekeeper rather than lady's maid. I have no grasp of how many servants they had all in all, though.

  4. Good for Gerda for making good use of her spare time to visit Egypt's historic sites...and for taking on a job in service that allowed her to travel, which she would probably not have been able to do on a domestic workers' income. A remarkable family history photo.

    1. Thanks Molly. Yes, Gerda must obviously have enjoyed travelling and a bit of change now and then, or else I suppose she would have found other jobs!

  5. Gerda sounds like she had quite the interesting life! She looks very happy in the picture of her on a donkey (good match to the prompt, by the way!) in front of the great pyramid

    1. LaN, she's definitely the one in my family tree who got to see the most of the world! (as far as I've been able to find out, anyway)

  6. A wonderful family history story on Gerda's eventful life. I could see it being featured on "Who Do You Think You Are"!
