A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


Milestone Birthdays - Sepia Saturday 764

I've been taking a break from family history and old photos for a few months, but I still have a number of envelopes of old photos that never reached the albums to go through. My father obviously started a sorting process many years ago, so some envelopes are marked with a name, or other themes. But very few of the  photos have any notes on the back to identify individual people or places or year. (That goes for most of the old photo albums as well, though!) 

 As Sepia Saturday just now does not really have any special themes for each week, I'm thinking I might just randomly dive in now and then, though, and pick whatever I happen to find interesting...

My grandmother Sally was born 3 February 1900, so that date, a month ago, was the 125th anniversary of her birth. I can't say I "celebrated" it, but I did remember, and think of her. 

Today, opening a photo envelope with her name on it, I found (among others) these three below, which clearly must represent three of her "major" birthdays.

This is from her 50th (1950). There is a very similar photo in her photo album, with a note to confirm that; and the photo is unmistakably from my grandparents' living room. (I myself wasn't born until 5½ years later, but I recognise the corner cabinet!) 

With that established, it was also easy to deduct that the following two photos must be from 1960 and 1970 respectively. (She died at 79, so did not live to celebrate her 80th.)

My grandfather Gustaf died in 1969, so the photo from 1970 was presumably taken by my father. You may notice the Christmas tree to the right... That does not necessarily mean that her birthday was celebrated in advance, as I remember that she did actually often (if possible) keep the Christmas tree over her birthday. Checking a calendar online, I see that 3 February 1970 was a Tuesday, though - so I suppose the celebration may have taken place on the weekend before. 

Linking to Sepia Saturday 764