M.002.01 - Stockholmsutställningen 1930
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STOCKHOLMSUTSTÄLLNINGEN 1930. Reklammasten och Huvudrestauranten. |
Advertising Mast and Main Restaurant
To: Fru Selma Emanuelson, Storegården Fristad
From: Gerda (Stockholm, 24.5.1930)
From: Gerda (Stockholm, 24.5.1930)
Hjärtliga hälsningar till Mor från Gerda
Best wishes to Mother from Gerda
Best wishes to Mother from Gerda
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Mother's Day greeting from Gerda to Selma
25th May 1930 was Mother's Day (Mors Dag) in Sweden (the last Sunday in May).
Gerda's birthmother, Anna Sophia, died when Gerda was only 12 going on 13. Most likely, neither Gerda nor her older siblings were entirely happy about their father (Samuel) getting remarried four years later, to a younger widow (with a six-year-old daughter from her first marriage).
Later in life, it seems they all came to accept Selma as their step-mother and part of the family, fhough. Mors dag was introduced in Sweden in 1919. From the 1920s/30s I have this and a couple of more cards showing that Gerda and her sister Ester both sent greetings to Selma for Mother's Day, addressing her as Mor = Mother.
Short Review (for whoever may find it useful):
When my grandmother Sally was born in 1900, Gerda was 19, and Gustaf 22. Gustaf's postcard collection starts in 1901, and from addresses on cards it seems that by then, he and Gerda were staying mostly with their older married siblings rather than with their father.
In the autumn of 1902, Gustaf and Gerda both emigrated to America. When they both returned to Sweden in 1911, their father had been dead four years, and their oldest brother Carl had taken over the farm. Selma and her children (including my grandmother) still lived there with him.
Gerda went on finding various employments as lady's maid, and continued to travel abroad a lot (inclding spending all of WWI in France).
Gustaf helped out at the family farm for a while when he first came back, but then moved away to work at other farms in Sweden for a few years. He returned to the family farm in 1918; and after Carl died in 1928, he took over there.
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The Stockholm Exhibition (Stockholmsutställningen) was an exhibition that took place from May to September 1930 in Stockholm, Sweden, and entertained about four million visitors. Swedish artists, craftsmen and companies showed their latest products. All of the fair buildings were temporary, but the fair's ideas lived on and influenced Swedish housing for years to come. The exhibition had great impact on the architectural style called functionalism. "Especially conspicuous was the Paradise Cafe [the main restaurant] and the Entry Pavilion, with its exposed steel frame, airy expanses of glass, and dramatic lighting at night. Above the fair, a towering advertising mast stood with an electrically lit version of Lewerentz's 'Flying V' logo." (Wikipedia)
Broschyr från Stockholmsutställningen i PDF-format.
(Brochure from the exhibition - in Swedish, but also with photos.)
(Brochure from the exhibition - in Swedish, but also with photos.)
Film från öppnandet av utställningen med tal av kung Gustaf V.
(Film from the opening of the exhibition, with speech by King Gustaf V, and views of the area and the crowd attending the event. You also get a closer view of for example the advertising mast.)
(Film from the opening of the exhibition, with speech by King Gustaf V, and views of the area and the crowd attending the event. You also get a closer view of for example the advertising mast.)
M.002.02 - Greetings from Livorno
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Saluti a Piccola Velocità da Livorno |
"Greetings at slow speed" [?] from Livorno
From: Gerda (Stockholm, 5.6.1930)
Hjärtliga hälsningar på namnsdagen från syster Gerda
Best wishes on your Name Day from sister Gerda
Best wishes on your Name Day from sister Gerda
(6th June is Gustaf's Name Day in the Swedish calendar)
Livorno is a port city on the western coast of Tuscany in Italy. I'm not sure when Gerda visited Livorno; but if it was with Estelle and Folke Bernadotte (cf. previous post), it would have been in 1929 rather than in the spring of 1930. Why? That couple's firstborn child, Gustaf Edward Bernadotte af Wisborg, was born 30 January 1930, in Stockholm.
Linking to : Sepia Saturday 617
A smaller exhibition - but they seem to have
grasped the importance of Big Advertising!
Morsdagshälsning från Gerda till Selma:
Gerdas mor, Anna Sophia, dog när Gerda bara var 12 gammal. Varken hon eller hennes äldre syskon var antagligen överlyckliga åt att fadern (Samuel) fyra år senare gifte om sig med en yngre änka (Selma), med en sex-årig dotter från sitt första äktenskap. Senare i livet tycks de dock ha kommit att acceptera Selma som styvmor och tillhörande familjen. 'Mors dag' introducerades i Sverige 1919. Från 1920- och 30-talen finns detta och ytterligare ett par kort som visar att Gerda och hennes syster Ester båda skickade Morsdags-hälsningar till Selma, och då kallade henne Mor.
Kort sammanfattning (för den som känner behov av det):
När min farmor Sally föddes i februari 1900, var Gerda 19 år gammal, och Gustaf 22. Gustafs vykortssamling startar 1901, och därifrån framgår att både Gustaf och Gerda vid den tiden vistades mer hos sina äldre gifta syskon än hos fadern med familj på Storegården.
1902 utvandrade Gustaf och Gerda till Amerika. När de återvände 1911, hade fadern varit död i fyra år, och deras äldste bror Carl hade tagit över Storegården. Selma och hennes barn bodde fortfarande kvar där med honom.
Gerda fortsatte att finna anställningar som kammarjungfru till förmögna damer, och kom också fortsättningsvis att resa mycket utomlands (inklusive att hon tillbringade hela första världskriget i Frankrike).
Gustaf hjälpte till på Storegården under ett par år efter att han först återvänt till Sverige, men flyttade sedan för att arbeta på andra gårdar under några år. Han återvände till Storegården 1918; och efter att Carl dog 1928, tog han över där.
Stockholmsutställningen 1930 ägde rum mellan maj och september det året, med totalt omkring fyra miljoner besökare. Svenska konstnärer, hantverkare och företag visade upp sina senaste produkter. Alla byggnader var temporära, men idéerna levde kvar och fortsatte utöva inflytande på bl.a. funktionalismen som präglade svensk arkitektur under lång tid framöver.
Hälsningar från Livorno
Livorno är en hamnstad i Toscana i Italien. Jag vet inte säkert när Gerda besökte Livorno - men om det var tillsammans med Estelle och Folke Bernadotte, så måste det ha varit 1929 snarare än 1930. Varför? Jo, parets förstfödde, Gustaf Edward Bernadotte af Wisborg, föddes 30 januari 1930, i Stockholm.
Greeting at high speed! Loved that card! I've enjoyed all these stories about your grandparents!
ReplyDeleteThanks Barbara :)
DeleteYou have been telling an interesting story about your family all these weeks and I'm hoping there's still more to come as I'm kind of hooked on your posts about them. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks LaN. I do still have more Gerda-related postcards from the 1930s to go through, and don't quite know myself yet where they'll take me. I'll also try and keep up with my grandmother over the same years.
DeleteThank you for the recap of your family's history -- and for more postcards illuminating their interactions. Thank goodness these were saved! What a wonderful insight into their lives and regard for one another.
ReplyDeleteMolly, I'm glad I found them (going through my parents' house after they died) and decided to keep them!
ReplyDeleteAfter the terrible years of WW1, there is a tiny feeling of optimism or hope in reading Gerda's cards from the 1930s, though that probably comes from the perspective of our century. I liked seeing the brochure of the Swedish Exposition. The interesting part was the last page showing the airline routes from Stockholm to the rest of Europe. The film was also a glimpse into an unfamiliar monarchy. I liked hearing the king's song introduced by a trumpet fanfare.