A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


G.070.03, G.071.03 - Postcards to Gustaf from his friend John - April and July 1914


Munkaberg, April 24. (Eftersänt till Gustaf i Brålanda från Fristad, 27.4.1914) 
Besta Vänner. Min resa gick bra hit till Murum. Jag kan inte komma den vägen tillbaka, ty jag kommer att taga vägen åt Härna. Så du får vara snäll och skriva till mig. Tenker du är allaredan rest när detta kortet kommer fram. En vänlig hälsning till eder allesammans från en Vän. J. --- ?

Munkaberg, april 24. (Forwarded to Gustaf at Brålanda from Fristad, 27.4.1914)
Dear Friends. My journey here to Murum went well. I can't travel back the same way because I'm taking the road to Härna. So I ask you please to write to me. I'm thinking you will probably have left by the time this card arrives. Best wishes to you all from a Friend. J. --- ?

Murum and Härna are both localities in Västergötland, not too far from Fristad. It seems the writer stopped at Storegården on his way to Murum but won't be able to re-visit on his way back as he'll be taking a different road then. Gustaf was not living in Fristad in 1914, but he would have been able to travel there by train from Brålanda in Dalsland for a visit occasionally. (Whether he did, I don't know.)

I think the next card below must be written by the same person; and based on the handwriting on both, I think the writer may be John Beckman, who also wrote some cards to Gustaf while they were both in America. The signature on both cards is difficult to decipher, though.


: Herr Gust. Ekman, Brålanda
From: John [Beckman?] 
Arrived at Brålanda 25.7.1914

Min bäste kamrat. Huru mår du, jag lengtar efter brev från dig. Jag har hört att du skrev till Skoglund, jag kan hälsa dig från Storegd, de har hälsat de väntar också brev från dig. Jag kan väl aldrig tro att den där lilla brevduvan har flugit bort mäd dig, men om hon skulle släppa dig någon gång så sänd mig några rader så jag får veta huru du mår och hvad du gör. Adjö mäd dig, må så väl. Hälsa dina små Duvor, hoppas du tager reda på dem. Good bay. / John [Beckman?]

My dear friend, How are you? I'm longing for a letter from you. I have heard that you wrote to Skoglund. I have greetings to you from Storegården, they have said they are also waiting for a letter from you. I hope that little dove [carrier-pigeon] hasn't flown away with you, but if she drops you some time, please send me a few lines and tell me how you are and what you are doing. Farewell, and stay healthy. Greetings to your little Doves, I hope you take good care of them. Goodbye. 
/ John [Beckman?]


Based on things I vaguely remember having heard in the past, I think Gustaf lived with (and worked for) a woman in Brålanda, a widow with a daughter. As far as I know, I don't think they ever got married, though. But seems likely that they are who John is referring to here as Gustaf's "doves". The Swedish word for carrier-pigeon is brevduva (letter-dove). We also talk of turtledoves (turturduvor) much as one in English talks of "lovebirds".  

Gustaf dog innan jag föddes, så jag har inga personliga minnen av honom. Jag vill dock minnas att jag hört att han under åren i Brålanda bodde tillsammans med (och arbetade för) en änka med en dotter. Jag tror dock aldrig att de gifte sig (vilket kan vara en orsak till att förhållandet bara omnämndes i vaga ordalag...) Men det verkar troligt att detta är vad John syftar på när han skriver om "duvor" här. (Förutom brevduvor som förmedlare av brev, så används ju också ofta "turturduvor" för att beteckna kärlekspar.)

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