A 'Swenglish' journey through family photos, notes and postcards
from the early 20th century.


G.021.1 - Odensberg 1902

Parti af Odensberg
Foto. Kaleb Torin Mösseberg. Imp.

To: Herr Gust. Ekman, Storegd, Fristad
From: "Georg"
Postmark/date: 1902 

Götered d. 5 Sept. 02

Hjärtligt tack för vyn!
Många hälsningar


Hoppas du upplifvar gamla minnen fr. Obg [Odensberg].
- Åtminstone "Lucia-natten" var ju trefligt.
Skrif snart!

Odensberg = ort i Västergötland (nära Falköping),
där Gustaf tidvis bott hos brodern Oscar
Götene = ort i Västergötland, mellan Mariestad och Skara

In English

Many thanks for the view!
Best wishes,

I hope you revive old memories of Odensberg.
At least "Lucia Night" was nice!
Write soon!

Odensberg is where Gustaf's brother Oscar lived. From other cards in the collection, it seems that Gustaf was staying with Oscar (and his wife) periodically during 1901-02. At other times, he stayed at the farm Storegården in Fristad with his father and stepmother.

I don't know who the sender "Georg" is.

Lucia, St Lucy's day, is celebrated in Sweden on 13th December.
(Not sure if "Lucia night" refers to the evening of the 12th or the 13th.)

This is the last card from 1902 in the postcard album that is addressed to Gustaf at Storegården, Fristad. The cards following next are Christmas and New Year cards addressed to him in Port Allegany, Pennsylvania, North America.

Gustaf emigrated to Pennsylvania in North America some time in the autumn of 1902.

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