Greetings from Chicago - Gruss aus Chicago
Water Works and Tower - Wasserwerke
*Koelling & Klappenbach Publishers, Chicago Ill. No. 36
Printed in Germany. Sepia O.L.M. 623:02
*(I found the publishers listed at Metropostcard .com)
To: Mr Gustaf Ekman
Port Allegany, Box 148, PennsylvaniaSent from: Chicago, Ill., Jan 21, 1903
Arrived at: Port Allegany PA, Jan 22, 1903

Tack för senast. God fortsättning. Undrar hur det är nu med hälsan och trefnaden. Vi mår bra här i Chicago. Hälsningar från Gerda, hon sitter bredvid mig. Många hjärtliga hälsningar från Frida o Annie.
Thank you for last time. Happy New Year. How are things now with your health and well-being. We are well here in Chicago. Gerda sends her love, she is sitting next to me. Best wishes from Frida & Annie.
Frida was mentioned by Gerda on her card G.022.2 written in December 1902.
I'm wondering what "last time" was... Did they perhaps all travel together to the US? Both Gerda and Gustaf did emigrate in the autumn of 1902. Whether on the same ship or not, they must have arrived in New York before they went on to their respective destinations. Chicago is further inland than Pennsylvania; which makes it unlikely that Gustaf would have gone first to Chicago and then back to Pennsylvania. It makes more sense to me to think that they travelled together and then parted ways after their arrival in the US. (On the other hand: The postcard did not take more than one day to travel between the two places!)
The Chicago Water Tower was built in 1869, and is the second oldest water tower in the US. It was named an American Water Landmark in 1969. Nowadays it houses an art gallery: The City Gallery in the Historic Water Tower, featuring the work of local photographers and artists. [Wikipedia]
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